SocketIO-Objc copied to clipboard
Socket.IO / Objective C Library
** This version only support v1.X.X **
Support Features :
- Ack
- Binary Data
- Binary Ack
- Namespace
run "Server" Target then SocketIO-ObjC-Exemple to run some test usage methods
Inspired by :
The easiest way to connect to your Socket.IO / node.js server is
SocketIO * socketGlobal = [[SocketIO alloc] initWithDelegate:self host:@"localhost" port:8080 namespace:nil timeout:1000 secured:NO];
[socketGlobal connect];
You can use Namespace :
SocketIO * socketPublic = [[SocketIO alloc] initWithDelegate:self host:@"localhost" port:8080 namespace:@"/public" timeout:1000 secured:NO];
[socketPublic connect];
You can send extra-data during connexion :
SocketIO * socketPrivate = [[SocketIO alloc] initWithDelegate:self host:@"localhost" port:8080 namespace:@"/private" timeout:1000 secured:NO];
[socketPrivate connectWithParams:@{@"login": @"fail"}];
Sending Data :
- (void) sendMessage:(id)data;
- (void) sendMessage:(id)data ack:(SocketIOCallback)function;
- (void) sendEvent:(NSString *)eventName data:(id)data;
- (void) sendEvent:(NSString *)eventName data:(id)data ack:(SocketIOCallback)function;
"(id)data" can be NSString, NSData, NSArray, NSDictionnary
Receiving Data :
- (void) socketIO:(SocketIO *)socket didReceiveMessage:(id)data ack:(SocketIOCallback)function;
- (void) socketIO:(SocketIO *)socket didReceiveEvent:(NSString *)eventName data:(id)data ack:(SocketIOCallback)function;
if "ack" is not nil you can answer to the server with a binary or simple ack:
function([@"Binary Ack" dataUsingEncoding:NSASCIIStringEncoding]);
function(@"Simple Ack");
Sending Stream :
SocketIOOutputStream * stream = [[SocketIOOutputStream alloc] initWithSocket:socket];
[stream setDelegate:self];
[socket sendStream:stream1 name:@"Send Stream" extradata:nil];
[socket sendStreams:@[stream] name:@"Send Stream" extradata:nil];
Then, implement this delegate to "push" data when asked :
- (void) stream:(SocketIOOutputStream*)stream askData:(NSUInteger)length;
Receiving Stream : Implement this delegate and read data :
- (void) socketIO:(SocketIO *)socket didReceiveStream:(SocketIOInputStream *)stream
[stream setDelegate:self];
if (![stream isFinished])
[stream readLength:1024];
Then, implement this delegate to read data when received and ask more data :
- (void) stream:(SocketIOInputStream*)stream didReceiveData:(NSData*)data
// Read Data
if (![stream isFinished])
[stream readLength:1024];
When there is no more data this delegate is called:
- (void) streamDidFinish:(SocketIOInputStream*)stream;