Louis Bompart
Louis Bompart
50% done, no more API-key in v2
As much as I'd like to support Playstation and Xbox exactly the same, the fact they're running the game on a different platform is ofc a big limiter there. So,...
👍 Alright, we'll work from what you've done here then, tho, your contribution is much appreciated, I just try to keep the code as clean as it is right now...
Alright! I took me a full day of thinking (in the background), but I think I have a good proposition. When you'll start up the app, during the setting up...
The performance point is really interesting, thanks to bringing that up to my attention, I'll check this out. For console users, yes, I know, that's suboptimal, but I feel for...
For the retries, Darkscared is working on logs, which will by essence include try catches. What we aim to do certainly is that if it fail during an interval execution,...
I wouldn't be worried if one person was polling every 15sec. I'm way more concerned due to the alarming number of people that have reacted on Reddit and the analytics...
I'll check it out thanks! On Fri., Jul. 5, 2019, 12:47 p.m. David, wrote: > https://github.com/coreybutler/node-windows > > node-windows has a utility to run Node.js scripts as Windows services >...
It should open a browser tab (firefox I guess in your case?) to login with Bungie, did you check if you have such a tab opened? Le lun. 22 juil....
Reopening for tracking, very interesting details, thanks for your report!