Lou Huang

Results 146 comments of Lou Huang

Thanks for the suggestion, @nickdaugherty. I'm contemplating how we might be able to pass through all of the [Popup options](http://leafletjs.com/reference.html#popup) available on Leaflet as well. This is far from a...

Hi @timwis, You'll find your answer here: https://github.com/mapzen/leaflet-geocoder/tree/master/examples#put-the-geocoder-control-above-the-zoom-control This is a summary (to save you a click). This is an effect of the zoom controls being added by default by...

Compatibility notes (ongoing, will evolve as I learn more) - Placeholders in input box are not supported on IE 7-9 (http://caniuse.com/#feat=input-placeholder). This degrades gracefully so we don't need to remove...

Yo @riordan, IE8/IE9 support is ready for testing. IE7 will have to be not supported due to lack of JSONP primarily.

Hi @ilyankou, thanks for the suggestion. I think you've developed a really interesting application with the geocoder, but I'm not certain that it has much utility for other geocoder users...

We should consider this in a body of "filter" functions for search and autocomplete results. See also #103.

(I'm very aggressively closing down / cleaning up issues in this repo, so I'm wondering if this is (a) already solved or doable in some other way, (b) something we...

Here's a demonstration of the first case in the CodeSandbox below: https://codesandbox.io/s/svg-crowbar-test-s05fn?file=/index.html Let me know if this helps, or if there's anything I can add to clarify the problem.

Just to describe the issue visually (this is the output of my test case above): Source SVG should look like this: ![png version of source image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/2553268/82855912-a6fed880-9eda-11ea-83b0-2f36d1e79830.png) If the SVG's parent...