uci-thesis-latex copied to clipboard
LaTeX template for thesis and dissertation documents at UC Irvine
A LaTeX template for thesis and dissertation documents at UC Irvine.
Adapted from a blog post here:
- http://vocaro.com/trevor/blog/2008/01/08/a-latex-template-for-uci-dissertations/
Credit goes to Trevor, author of the site above, and those students who he inherited the template from (see the change log in the cls file).
However, it seems the site above isn't actively maintained anymore, so I reorganized and updated things a bit to comply (to the best of my knowledge) with the latest UCI Theses and Dissertation Manual for electronic filing as of Fall 2013:
- http://special.lib.uci.edu/dissertations/electronic/tdmanuale.html
The template homepage is:
- https://github.com/lotten/uci-thesis-latex
A zip archive of the latest version is available directly at:
- https://github.com/lotten/uci-thesis-latex/archive/master.zip
The main file is thesis.tex
, from which a number of other files are
included. Take a look at the comments in the LaTeX sources for some
more specific pointers.
To compile, simply run thesis.tex
through your LaTeX executable of
choice. I've tested with latex
on Linux, but pdflatex
others should work equally well. An optional, simple makefile to
automate some of the steps is also included (adapted from Trevor,
customize to suit your needs).
Even though UCI Special Collections and Archives has referred students to this template, it is not officially maintained by UCI and provided here without any guarantees whatsoever.
That being said, I believe it can be genuinely useful to future grad students and I'll try my best to maintain it going forward. So if you find anything that is at odds with UCI requirements, now or in the future, or have other suggestions feel free to submit a pull request on GitHub or contact me directly (lotten at uci dot edu).