php-array-pagination copied to clipboard
PHP Array Paginator
PHP array pagination
This is a basic script to take an array and and generate a paginated list of items. This is quite an obscure example because a real world example would probably include lots more data.
I'd also like to say, if your working with databases then I would suggest using a database pagination script that uses limits etc to optimise the speed of the query etc. If your looking to paginate a small data set then this should be fine.
Pretty simple setup:
Include the class:
// Include the pagination class
include 'pagination.class.php';
Here i'm throwing in some test date (you will need to provide your own)
// some example data
foreach (range(1, 100) as $value) {
$products[] = array(
'Product' => 'Product '.$value,
'Price' => rand(100, 1000),
Then this is how to output of the page data and page numbers.
// If we have an array with items
if (count($products)) {
// Create the pagination object
$pagination = new pagination($products, (isset($_GET['page']) ? $_GET['page'] : 1), 15);
// Parse through the pagination class
$productPages = $pagination->getResults();
// If we have items
if (count($productPages) != 0) {
// Create the page numbers
echo $pageNumbers = '<div class="numbers">'.$pagination->getLinks().'</div>';
// Loop through all the items in the array
foreach ($productPages as $productArray) {
// Show the information about the item
echo '<p><b>'.$productArray['Product'].'</b> £'.$productArray['Price'].'</p>';
// print out the page numbers beneath the results
echo $pageNumbers;
There are two other configurations that currently exist:
If you would like to show "<< first" and "last >>" links to take you to the first and last page.
The default separator for the page numbers is an empty string, you can overwrite this to be anything you like.
$pagination->setMainSeperator(' | ');
It's pretty simple.