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Visual representation of contentful content models in form of graphs

Build Status npm version


Visual representation of contentful content models in form of graphs

Can be exported with fields:


or without:




If you plan to render the graph as image or PDF, make sure you have graphviz installed on your system.


The library is using async/await functions, so you need the latest 7 or 8 versions.


Can be installed globally:

npm i -g contentful-graph

Or locally

npm i --save-dev contentful-graph

Running without installation

Import script can be executed with the help of npx

npx contentful-graph

Running import

There are several ways of running the import:

  1. running CLI bin/contentful-graph command
  2. import API and invoking functions programmatically

For this purpose, you'll need to know your contentful spaceId and token

Token may come in two flavors: Delivery token or Management token

Management token has an advantage of showing one-to-one relationships for models (as pointed by @jelz in #1)

Command-line version

When running the command line version, make sure you export following variables:

CONTENTFUL_TOKEN= either deliveryToken

or simply in command-line:


Command-line options

--help (-h) Displays usage information

--dev (-d) Includes developer information (model Id's and field Id's)

--hide-fields (-n) Do not include fields information, only entities

Reading from local file

It is possible to run import against local file with exported model defintions:

./bin/contentful-graph ./my-contentful-model.json

Web version

You can run it locally or host it on any server using contentful-graph-web

docker run -it --rm -p 3000:3000 lotas/contentful-graph-web
# or checkout project locally and
make BUILD && make RUN
# or if you have graphviz in your system simply
npm run dev

Api version

Package exposes following functions:

getContentTypesFromManagementApi(spaceId: string, managementToken: string, environment: string): Promise<Object>

Will import content types from contentful using management api

getContentTypesFromDistributionApi(spaceId: string, apiToken: string, environment: string): Promise<Object>

Will import content types from contentful using distributions api

contentTypesToModelMap(contentTypes: Object): Object

Will enrich existing content types with mapping information (one-to-one, one-to-many)

modelsMapToDot(modelsMap: Object, {hideEntityFields: Boolean, dev: Boolean}): String

Will create dot graph definition out of the model map

You can use them as follows:

const convertApi = require('contentful-graph');

// either with managementToken
const contentTypes = await convertApi.getContentTypesFromManagementApi(spaceId, managementToken);
// or with apiToken, you just need one of the calls
const contentTypes = await convertApi.getContentTypesFromDistributionApi(spaceId, apiToken);

// enrich content types with relationship definitions
const modelsMap = convertApi.contentTypesToModelMap(contentTypes);

// generate dot string that can be passed to graphviz
const dotStr = convertApi.modelsMapToDot(modelsMap, {});

Generating graphs

After you would run the import, you should have something like this:

digraph obj {

  Image [label="{Image |        | <title> Title|<photo> Photo|<imageCaption> Image caption|<imageCredits> Image credits|<categoryId> CategoryId}" shape=Mrecord];
  Author [label="{Author |        | <name> Name|<twitterHandle> Twitter handle|<profilePhoto> Profile photo|<biography> Biography|<createdEntries> Created entries}" shape=Mrecord];
  Category [label="{Category |        | <categoryId> Category Id|<categoryName> Category name}" shape=Mrecord];
  PhotoGallery [label="{Photo Gallery |        | <title> Title|<slug> Slug|<author> Author|<coverImage> Cover Image|<description> Description|<images> Images|<tags> Tags|<date> Date|<location> Location}" shape=Mrecord];

  Image:photo -> Asset [dir=forward];
  Image:categoryId -> Category [dir=forward];
  Author:profilePhoto -> Asset [dir=forward];
  Author:createdEntries -> Image [dir=forward,label="1..*"];
  PhotoGallery:author -> Author [dir=forward];
  PhotoGallery:coverImage -> Asset [dir=forward];
  PhotoGallery:images -> Image [dir=forward,label="1..*"];

To render this to image or PDF, pipe it to the dot command:

./import.js | dot -Tpng > model.png
./import.js | dot -Tpdf > model.pdf

Where ./import is the script that produces dot output


Contentful Management API

Contentful Delivery API

GraphViz Fiddle