koa-mobx-react-starter copied to clipboard
where are the tests?
Thanks for working on this. I'd like to see how the design might change as you add tests.
While I can definitely see tests as a great addition for this, I unfortunately don't have much experience with them. Something I really need to get to know better, but since my projects have mostly been small and I work alone, I never had the motivation to work with tests. If anyone who has more experience wants to give it a shot I'm open to any PR.
Thanks so much. I'm looking at a few boilerplates right now. If I choose yours, I'd be happy to add some basic tests. A few of the other mobx boilerplates already have some tests. Testing is really helpful on many levels, even when you work alone and even on small projects. Thanks again. I think we can close this issue, and or mark it as a feature request.
No problem! If you do happen to use it, the tests would be much appreciated, even just to be exposed bit more to them personally.