cobalt copied to clipboard
Unofficial cobalt command line client made in go.
Unofficial cobalt command line client made in go. cobalt-cli uses gobalt library for communication between your machine <-> cobalt servers.
- Features
- Download
- Roadmap
- Usage
- Compiling
- Get directly link from the service cdn (if possible);
- More than 15 services supported;
- JSON output using the flag
; - Option to check status of cobalt servers;
- Use custom cobalt instances (see;
- Get dubbed youtube audio.
Platform/OS | Download link |
Windows | x64 / x86 / arm |
Linux | x64 / x86 / arm64 |
Mac | Intel / M1, M2, M3 |
You can also check the releases page to download the latest version according to your platform.
Alternatively, if you have Go installed, you can use go install
to install to your machine.
Planned features for cobalt-cli:
- [x] Json output;
- [ ] Time expiration for the returned url.
- [ ] Option to save file to the current/custom folder, likely
flag;- [ ] Display progress bar to track download progress (when supported by cobalt).
- [ ] Hability to use custom downloader program (wget, curl, got, etc);
- [ ] Translations.
cobalt-cli has two subcommands:
- download: downloads something using cobalt
- instances: lists all known cobalt instances
Usage: cobalt <command>
download - Use this command to download something.
instances - Use this command to view stats about other cobalt instances.
Error: No command was provided. Please specify a command.
usage: cobalt download [-h|--help] [-u|--url "<value>"] [-c|--video-codec
(av1|vp9|h264)] [-q|--video-quality
(144|240|360|480|720|1080|1440|2160)] [-f|--audio-format
(opus|ogg|wav|mp3|best)] [-p|--filename-pattern
(basic|pretty|nerdy|classic)] [-a|--no-video] [-T|--tiktok-h265]
[-t|--full-tiktok-audio] [-v|--no-audio] [-d|--dubbed-audio]
[-m|--metadata] [-g|--gif] [-j|--json] [-s|--status] [-i|--api
"<value>"] [-l|--language "<value>"] [-b|--browser]
download something using cobalt
-h --help Print help information
-u --url The url to download using cobalt
-c --video-codec Video codec to be used. Applies only to youtube
downloads. AV1: 8K/HDR, lower support | VP9: 4K/HDR,
best quality | H264: 1080p, works everywhere.
Default: h264
-q --video-quality Quality of the video, also applies only to youtube
downloads. Default: 1080
-f --audio-format Audio format/codec to be used. "best" doesn't
re-encodes the audio. Default: best
-p --filename-pattern File name pattern. Classic:
youtube_yPYZpwSpKmA_1920x1080_h264.mp4 | audio:
youtube_yPYZpwSpKmA_audio.mp3 // Basic: Video Title
(1080p, h264).mp4 | audio: Audio Title - Audio
Author.mp3 // Pretty: Video Title (1080p, h264,
youtube).mp4 | audio: Audio Title - Audio Author
(soundcloud).mp3 // Nerdy: Video Title (1080p, h264,
youtube, yPYZpwSpKmA).mp4 | audio: Audio Title -
Audio Author (soundcloud, 1242868615).mp3. Default:
-a --no-video Downloads only the audio, and removes the video.
Default: false
-T --tiktok-h265 Downloads TikTok videos using h265 codec. Default:
-t --full-tiktok-audio Download the original sound used in a tiktok video.
Default: false
-v --no-audio Downloads only the video, without audio, when
possible. Default: false
-d --dubbed-audio Downloads youtube audio dubbed, if present. Change
the language using -l <ISO 639-1 format>. Default:
-m --metadata Disables file metadata. Default: false
-g --gif Convert twitter gifs to .gif. Default: true
-j --json Output to stdout as json
-s --status Check status of the selected cobalt server, prints
and exits. All other options will be ignored, except
-j | --json. Default: false
-i --api Change the cobalt api url used. See others instances
in Default:
-l --language Downloads dubbed youtube audio according to the
language set following the ISO 639-1 format. Only
takes effect if -d was passed as an argument.
Default: en
-b --browser Downloads the requested media in your browser.
Default: false
usage: cobalt instances [-h|--help] [-j|--json]
get the list of cobalt instances
-h --help Print help information
-j --json Output to stdout as json
JSON Output
Documentation for the json output of cobalt-cli.
All json output from the download subcommands follows this format:
"error": bool,
"message": "string",
"urls": ["string1", "string2", ...]
name | type | info | example |
error | bool | true if something went wrong | "error":true |
message | string | return error messages, otherwise "ok" | "message":"cobalt error: i couldn't connect to the service api. maybe it's down, or cobalt got blocked" |
urls | []string | array of urls returned by the service, query scaped | "urls":[""] |
Returns almost the original json from, except we add two extra keys: error and message, just like above.
Example JSON:
Error example:
{"error":true,"message":"Get \"\": dial tcp: lookup no such host"}
Make sure you have the lastest go compiler. Download it here.
Easy as:
- Clone this repository.
- On the root of this repository, run
go mod tidy
. This will download this project dependencies. - To run the application, use
go run .
. To compile, rungo build
To add additional Windows metadata, you'll need:
- go-winres, follow the install instructions there
Then run go-winres make
on the root of this repository, it will create two .syso files.
After that, building with go build
will automatically embed these files on the Windows executable.
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