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Minor bug: Year column cannot be resized
I had a look in MainMenu.xib -> Base.lproj and can't see why it's doing it, but there is maybe either a missing or misplaced <tableColumnResizingMask key="resizingMask" resizeWithTable="YES" userResizable="YES"/>
or a <autoresizingMask key="autoresizingMask" widthSizable="YES" flexibleMinY="YES" flexibleMaxY="YES"/>
for 'Year'. It can't presently be moved from 'Genre'.
To Reproduce (delete if not applicable) Steps to reproduce the behavior:
- Go to 'Year' in the main window
- Click on the divider with 'Genre' and try to move it.
Expected behavior the column should be resizable
Version information:*
- macOS version: 12.4
- Cog version: 2221 (2221-gaca29e47)
Additional context Add any other context about the issue here.
Genre currently has a minimum width of 96.
No matter which other column it sits next to, it sits this hard and can't be moved :-(
Text alignment?
I really have no idea, it must be the genre column. Something is different about it, compared to other columns.
Does anyone know what's up with this? I'm not resetting constraints on the playlist view, either, as every time I do that, it breaks the status icon column.
Line 397? alignment="right"
<textFieldCell key="dataCell" lineBreakMode="truncatingTail" selectable="YES" editable="YES" alignment="left" title="Text Cell" id="1512">
What does the alignment have to do with the ability to resize it?
I'm looking for anomalies.
Oh, thanks then. Also, alignment and sizing is controlled by the code that creates the views in PlaylistController.m, lines 407-530. The translation of identifiers to index numbers is handled by the array created at line 48.
Number (No.) and 'Rating' also seem to have the same bug. I'm using Cog 2514 (2514-g6a463893).
Please try again. This may have been an older Xcode bug.