deadbeef-lyricbar copied to clipboard undefined symbol
Ubuntu version: 20.10, 21.04 and 21.10 DeaDBeeF version: 1.8.4, 1.8.7 and 1.8.8 Lyricbar version: 015379a
After compiling and installing, the GTK2 version loads without errors, but the GTK3 version fails to:
loading plugin /home/eric/.local/lib/deadbeef/
loading plugin /home/eric/.local/lib/deadbeef/
dlopen error: /home/eric/.local/lib/deadbeef/ undefined symbol: _ZN3Gtk10TextBuffer16insert_with_tagsERKNS_8TextIterERKN4Glib7ustringERKNS4_11ArrayHandleINS4_6RefPtrINS_7TextTagEEENS4_17Container_Helpers10TypeTraitsISB_EEEE
trying /home/eric/.local/lib/deadbeef/
plugin not found or failed to load
Getting the same here :/
loading plugin /usr/lib64/deadbeef/
loading plugin /usr/lib64/deadbeef/
dlopen error: /usr/lib64/deadbeef/ undefined symbol: _ZN3Gtk10TextBuffer16insert_with_tagsERKNS_8TextIterERKN4Glib7ustringERKNS4_11ArrayHandleINS4_6RefPtrINS_7TextTagEEENS4_17Container_Helpers10TypeTraitsISB_EEEE
trying /usr/lib64/deadbeef/
plugin not found or failed to load
Strangely enough, I have a very old .so laying around that I compiled almost 2 years ago, and on that one the GTK2 version gets me that error while the GTK3 works?
loading plugin /home/tarulia/.local/lib/deadbeef/
dlopen error: /home/tarulia/.local/lib/deadbeef/ undefined symbol: _ZN3Gtk10TextBuffer16insert_with_tagsERKNS_8TextIterERKN4Glib7ustringERKSt6vectorINS4_6RefPtrINS_7TextTagEEESaISB_EE
trying /home/tarulia/.local/lib/deadbeef/
plugin not found or failed to load
Thought that maybe only one of the versions was allowed to be present at a time, but after removing all but one of them, they still don't load so.. I don't know.
Unfortunately, the simplistic Makefile doesn't play well with building both gtk2 and gtk3 versions. Try make clean && make gtk2
Ah well, that works, would be nice in the readme too though