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🌐 Google Calendar Integration
Hi, Thank you for your awesome work. I am having an issue with Part 2 of your tutorial/files Call to a member function synchronize() on null {"exception":"[object] (Symfony\\Component\\Debug\\Exception\\FatalThrowableError(code: 0): Call...
Is there something which I missed. I did not find related to create new event in google calendar from Google API.
Issue appear on this line: 'name' => head($account->email)->value, public function store(Request $request, Google $google) { if (! $request->has('code')) { return redirect($google->createAuthUrl()); } // Use the given code to authenticate the...
Has anyone got this working since Jan 15, 2020, if yes what did you use in replacement of Google Plus? `class GoogleAccountController ---- around line 44 $account = $google->service('Plus')->people->get('me');` throws...