user_agent copied to clipboard
for windows not work
SMARTPHONE_DEV_IDS = json.load(open(os.path.join(
PACKAGE_DIR, 'data/smartphone_dev_id.json')))
this path on windows didnt exists
correct way:
SMARTPHONE_DEV_IDS = json.load(open(os.path.join(
PACKAGE_DIR, 'data','smartphone_dev_id.json')))
What windows and python versions? I run tests on appveyor platform (windows) and they pass: Could you provide minimal code that does not work?
No answer. Closing.
having problems with this also using pyinstaller on windows
also having issues with this using pyinstaller on windows
Подтверждаю выше сказанное, с pyinstaller есть такая проблема досихпор
До сих пор есть такая проблема
@HamerLolKekChegoo @Aleksandr66 @sc0ned
Does pyinstaller works correctly with a fix suggesed in 1 message ?
@lorien If I understand correctly, this should be inserted into the working file?
You need to clone repository, apply fix to source code, then use patched user_agent library with pyinstaller.
Hello guys. I have changed the way of loading package data. No data is loaded with "pkgutil.get_data()" function. That possibly fixes pyinstaller issue. Please test pyinstaller with recent version of user_agent in githu repo. I have not uploaded new package to pypi yet.
someone find how fixe this please ?
SMARTPHONE_DEV_IDS = json.load(open(os.path.join( PACKAGE_DIR, 'data/smartphone_dev_id.json')))
@Venon282 try to use latest version of user_agent from repository, I have changed there the method of loading data from JSON files. This change is not released yet as pypi package.
Could you tell me how you did please ? I don't use user_agent but i have this problem on my own application
@Venon282 I have no idea what you are talking about.