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:robot: My personal assistant

Not a picture of Jarvis

Totally not Jarvis - a personal assistant bot

This is a personal assistant bot built with Telegram. I've attempted to lay the foundations for a framework that allows you to switch intents by issuing new commands while not forgetting about old intents. An example:

Jarvis: Karl, what are you planning to do today?
Karl: I have no idea. How is the weather?
Jarvis: The weather is fine.
Jarvis: So what are you planning to do today?
Karl: I'm going to the beach.
Jarvis: Oh, a very good idea.

Note: Most other bots would forget about their initial question (plans for the day) if you issue a new command. But not mine :)

Current skills:

  • Ask me to take memos during meetings and remind me later (based on iCAL calendar entries)
  • Send emails that propose dates for a meeting
  • Check the weather (based on OpenWeatherMap)
  • Check the next calendar entry (iCal integration that works with Google Calendar)


  • Context classes that encapsulate dialogs, e.g. checking the weather.
  • no hard dependency on Telegram, so I can use a voice interface like Alexa or Google Home later

Skills I'd love to implement:

  • smart scheduling: automatically derive possible timeslots when scheduling a meeting or use something like doodle
  • get recommendations to keep in touch with people you have not contacted for a while (hubspot integration)
  • send meeting reminders via email or sms (based on calendar and hubspot contacts)
  • log current position on demand
  • save reminders
  • let others talk to the bot and play with it
  • send contacts your current phone number, etc.
  • delay tasks (e.g. meeting memos: delay so that the dialog reappears after 10 minutes)
  • email meeting memos to participants
  • create drafts of emails via smtp

Example of meeting time proposals

The command /schedule triggers the creation of an meeting proposal that is sent to all participants after you have answered all necessary questions. It looks like this:


this is Jarvis, personal assistant of Karl Lorey. For your appointment ('Learning more about Jarvis, my personal assistant') I propose a time slot of 60 minutes on one of the following dates:

  • Tomorrow
  • Friday

Currently, I just send the proposals, so please hit 'reply all' to get Karl Lorey back into the loop.

Jarvis Personal Assistant of Karl Lorey

You can find my code at

The config file:

The config file should look like this (not included for obvious reasons):

# names
BOT_NAME = 'Jarvis'
OWNER_NAME = 'Karl Lorey'
POSITION = {'lat': 49.01, 'lon': 8.4}

# telegram

# weather

# calendar (name: url)
    "private": "",
    "work": "",

# email
EMAIL_ADDRESS_JARVIS = '[email protected]'
EMAIL_ADDRESS_CC = '[email protected]'
EMAIL_IMAP_USER = 'jarvis'
EMAIL_IMAP_PASSWORD = 'captainwho?'

Implement own functionality

To implement own skills, you just have to extend the base class and make sure a command puts the context on top of the contexts stack. We'll start with a RepeatContext that just repeats your input:

class RepeatContext(BaseContext):
    def is_done(self):
        return True  # executed only once

    def process(self, bot, update):
        bot.send_message(chat_id=update.message.chat_id, text=update.message.text.replace('/repeat ', '')

The base class only has two methods that you need to implement:

  • process receives all user input while the context is active (is_done() == False). You can basically do whatever you want as long as you want. Messages can be accessed with update.message.text.
  • is_done ist self-explanatory. If true, the context will be removed and the context before that will start again.

Afterwards, you just have to check for the command and open the context:

class DefaultContext(BaseContext):
    # ...

    def process(self, bot, update):
        if update.message is not None and update.message.text.startswith('/repeat '):
            # starts the repeat context
            context = RepeatContext()  # crate context
            self.jarvis.contexts.append(context)  # put it on the stack
            context.process(bot, update)  # start by processing for the first time
            bot.send_message(chat_id=update.message.chat_id, text="I don't understand")

Also check my other HubSpot-related projects

If you came here for the HubSpot integration, make sure to check out my other projects: