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My Docker scripts and Dockerfile for several frameworks.

Results 4 docker issues
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``` jetson@192:~/docker/darknet/gpu$ sudo docker run -it jitteam/devicequery ./deviceQuery Unable to find image 'jitteam/devicequery:latest' locally latest: Pulling from jitteam/devicequery f9cb56a5c671: Already exists 87de231a2e6c: Pull complete 36c5d6eb2688: Pull complete 40093f2ec581: Pull complete...

Hello, I've failed to build darkflow with the following error:` failed to register layer: lstat /var/lib/docker/overlay2/55afb9cc91d0798efb6e7cf5e2a5e8b0b19944455ac37042ab881e1cf4b96a38: no such file or directory` Docker version 18.02.0-ce, build fc4de447b5 Tried to clean my...


When running starspace from docker-master/starspace/gpu/ the CPU is activated but not the GPU. Is there an error? BR


Hi, I can make with OPENCV=0 (GPU, CUDNN=1 also). I successfully ran images through YOLO. I also successfully ran make darknet-cpp (from another project) with OPENCV=1 inside the same container....
