Loreto Parisi
Loreto Parisi
@funtax thanks! Do you see any difficulties to port `AirPlayAuth` to javascript? Maybe using `crypto` [this](https://github.com/funtax/AirPlayAuth/blob/master/src/main/java/eu/airaudio/airplay/auth/AirPlayAuth.java#L71) could be tricky: ```java public static String generateNewAuthToken() { String clientId = AuthUtils.randomString(16); return...
I'm not sure if it would work (like `fs` access), but I was trying [Opal](http://opalrb.org/) so using at least http://cdn.opalrb.org/opal/current/opal.min.js http://cdn.opalrb.org/opal/current/opal-parser.min.js getting (from http://opalrb.org/try/#) ``` javascript /* Generated by Opal...
So I removed the dictionary, just to make a test and replacing with some `key value` lines so that in the `init_table` method ``` ruby def init_table return if @table...
Had the same issue, and it worked with ```javascript var audioAesKeyBuffer = new Buffer(audioAesKey, 'binary'); var decipher = crypto.createDecipheriv('aes-128-cbc', audioAesKeyBuffer, audioAesIv); decipher.setAutoPadding(false); ```
Btw, I have slightly modified the script in order to scan all ports in the requested status like: ``` javascript // Find the first port in use or blocked. Asynchronously...
@kamalkraj I put the changes here: https://github.com/loretoparisi/BERT-NER and asked SF for that error as well: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/58918352/torch-error-on-macos-symbols-not-found-for-architecture-x86-64
The problem is this line apparently ```c++ vector out(output[0].data(), output[0].data() + output[0].numel()); ``` ``` Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64: "long* at::Tensor::data_ptr() const", referenced from: long* at::Tensor::data() const in app.cpp.o ld:...
The latest available for macos, `libtorch-macos-1.3.1.zip`
@kamalkraj thank you, got exactly the same error: ``` [100%] Linking CXX executable app Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64: "long* at::Tensor::data() const", referenced from: predict(std::__1::basic_string) in app.cpp.o ld: symbol(s) not...
@brbsix I'm having the same issue with `libhunspell-1.5.so.0` ``` analyze: error while loading shared libraries: libhunspell-1.5.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory ``` while I have...