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Fluent Wrapper for DbCommand


Fluent Wrapper for DbCommand.

Build status

Coverage Status

Package Version
FluentCommand FluentCommand
FluentCommand.SqlServer FluentCommand.SqlServer
FluentCommand.Json FluentCommand.Json


The FluentCommand library is available on nuget.org via package name FluentCommand.

To install FluentCommand, run the following command in the Package Manager Console

PM> Install-Package FluentCommand

More information about NuGet package available at https://nuget.org/packages/FluentCommand


  • Fluent wrapper over DbConnection and DbCommand
  • Callback for parameter return values
  • Automatic handling of connection state
  • Caching of results
  • Automatic creating of entity from DataReader via Dapper
  • Create Dynamic objects from DataReader via Dapper
  • Handles multiple result sets
  • Basic SQL query builder
  • Source Generate DataReader


Configuration for SQL Server

IDataConfiguration dataConfiguration  = new DataConfiguration(

Register with dependency injection

services.AddFluentCommand(builder => builder

Register using a connection name from the appsettings.json

services.AddFluentCommand(builder => builder
  "ConnectionStrings": {
    "Tracker": "Data Source=(local);Initial Catalog=TrackerTest;Integrated Security=True;TrustServerCertificate=True;"

Register for PostgreSQL

services.AddFluentCommand(builder => builder


Query all users with email domain. Entity is automatically created from DataReader.

string email = "%@battlestar.com";
string sql = "select * from [User] where EmailAddress like @EmailAddress";

var session = configuration.CreateSession();
var user = await session
    .Parameter("@EmailAddress", email)
    .QuerySingleAsync(r => new User
        Id = r.GetGuid("Id"),
        EmailAddress = r.GetString("EmailAddress"),
        IsEmailAddressConfirmed = r.GetBoolean("IsEmailAddressConfirmed"),
        DisplayName = r.GetString("DisplayName"),
        PasswordHash = r.GetString("PasswordHash"),
        ResetHash = r.GetString("ResetHash"),
        InviteHash = r.GetString("InviteHash"),
        AccessFailedCount = r.GetInt32("AccessFailedCount"),
        LockoutEnabled = r.GetBoolean("LockoutEnabled"),
        LockoutEnd = r.GetDateTimeOffsetNull("LockoutEnd"),
        LastLogin = r.GetDateTimeOffsetNull("LastLogin"),
        IsDeleted = r.GetBoolean("IsDeleted"),
        Created = r.GetDateTimeOffset("Created"),
        CreatedBy = r.GetString("CreatedBy"),
        Updated = r.GetDateTimeOffset("Updated"),
        UpdatedBy = r.GetString("UpdatedBy"),
        RowVersion = r.GetBytes("RowVersion"),

Execute a stored procedure with out parameters

Guid userId = Guid.Empty;
int errorCode = -1;

var username = "test." + DateTime.Now.Ticks;
var email = username + "@email.com";

var session = configuration.CreateSession();
var result = session
    .Parameter("@ApplicationName", "/")
    .Parameter("@UserName", username)
    .Parameter("@Password", "T@est" + DateTime.Now.Ticks)
    .Parameter("@Email", email)
    .Parameter("@PasswordSalt", "test salt")
    .Parameter<string>("@PasswordQuestion", null)
    .Parameter<string>("@PasswordAnswer", null)
    .Parameter("@IsApproved", true)
    .Parameter("@CurrentTimeUtc", DateTime.UtcNow)
    .Parameter("@UniqueEmail", 1)
    .Parameter("@PasswordFormat", 1)
    .ParameterOut<Guid>("@UserId", p => userId = p)
    .Return<int>(p => errorCode = p)

Query for user by email address. Also return Role and Status entities.

string email = "[email protected]";
string sql = "select * from [User] where EmailAddress = @EmailAddress; " +
             "select * from [Status]; " +
             "select * from [Priority]; ";

User user = null;
List<Status> status = null;
List<Priority> priorities = null;

var session = configuration.CreateSession();
    .Parameter("@EmailAddress", email)
    .QueryMultiple(q =>
        user = q.QuerySingle<User>();
        status = q.Query<Status>().ToList();
        priorities = q.Query<Priority>().ToList();

Query Builder

Build SQL statements with the query builder. Query builder uses the DataAnnotations Schema attributes to extract table and column information.

var session = configuration.CreateSession();

string email = "[email protected]";

var user = await session
    .Sql(builder => builder
        .Select<User>() // table name comes from type
        .Where(p => p.EmailAddress, email)

Count query

string email = "[email protected]";

var count = await session
    .Sql(builder => builder
        .Where(p => p.EmailAddress, email)

Insert statement

var id = Guid.NewGuid();

var userId = await session
    .Sql(builder => builder
        .Value(p => p.Id, id)
        .Value(p => p.EmailAddress, $"{id}@email.com")
        .Value(p => p.DisplayName, "Last, First")
        .Value(p => p.FirstName, "First")
        .Value(p => p.LastName, "Last")
        .Output(p => p.Id) // return key as output value
        .Tag() // add comment tag to query

Update statement

var updateId = await session
    .Sql(builder => builder
        .Value(p => p.DisplayName, "Updated Name")
        .Output(p => p.Id)
        .Where(p => p.Id, id)

Delete statement

var deleteId = await session
    .Sql(builder => builder
        .Output(p => p.Id)
        .Where(p => p.Id, id)

Source Generator

The project supports generating a DbDataReader from a class via an attribute. Add the TableAttribute to a class to generate the needed extension methods.

[Table("Status", Schema = "dbo")]
public class Status
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public string Description { get; set; }
    public int DisplayOrder { get; set; }
    public bool IsActive { get; set; }
    public DateTimeOffset Created { get; set; }
    public string CreatedBy { get; set; }
    public DateTimeOffset Updated { get; set; }
    public string UpdatedBy { get; set; }

    public ConcurrencyToken RowVersion { get; set; }

    public virtual ICollection<Task> Tasks { get; set; } = new List<Task>();

Extension methods are generated to materialize data command to entities

string email = "[email protected]";
string sql = "select * from [User] where EmailAddress = @EmailAddress";
var session = configuration.CreateSession();
var user = await session
    .Parameter("@EmailAddress", email)

SQL Server Features

PM> Install-Package FluentCommand.SqlServer

Bulk Copy

Using SQL Server bulk copy feature to import a lot of data.

using (var session = configuration.CreateSession())

Merge Data

Generate and merge data into a table

var users = generator.List<UserImport>(100);

int rows;
using (var session = configuration.CreateSession())
    rows = session
        .Map<UserImport>(m => m
            .Column(p => p.EmailAddress).Key()