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micro stubbing library for javascript environments


micro stubbing library for javascript environments

I like big sbuts and I cannot lie. Mc Hammer

A method stub or simply stub in software development is a piece of code used to stand in for some other programming functionality. Wikipedia


npm install --save-dev sbuts (or from CDN etc)

The module has a single export

import stub from 'sbuts';
// etc


The low level API always come back to a generator to get the best flexibility, but higher level syntax sugar is also available

  1. Stub produces a value
let fn = stub(function *(){
    yield 42;

// or 

fn = stub(42);

// or 

fn = stub().return(42);

fn('whatever') === 42; // > true
  1. Stub produces a list of values when called multiple times
fn = stub(function *(){
    yield 42;
    yield 'woot';

// or

fn = stub(42,'woot');

// or

fn = stub()
    .return('woot'); // can be called later

fn('foo') === 42; // > true
fn(66) === 'woot'; // > true
  1. Stub throws an error
fn = stub(function *(){
  throw new Error('some error');  


fn = stub().throw(new Error('some error'));

} catch(e){
  e.message === 'some error'; // > true
  1. stub async function
fn = stub(async function *(){
    yield 42;

// or

fn = stub(function * (){
  yield Promise.resolve(42);

// or 

fn = stub(Promise.resolve(42));

// or 

fn = stub().resolve(42);

// or ... probably other ways but you get the idea

val === await fn() // > true
  1. stub async error
fn = stub(async function *(){
    throw new Error('some error');

// or

fn = stub(function * (){
  yield Promise.reject(new Error('some error'));

// or 

fn = stub(Promise.reject(new Error('some message')));

// or 

fn = stub().reject(new Error('some message'));

// or ... probably other ways but you get the idea

try {
    await fn(`woot bim`)
} catch (e) {
    e.message === `some message` // > true

Assert on arguments

Every call captures the arguments, so you can make some assertions on how the stub was called:

const fn = stub(function *(){
    let i = 0;
       yield ++i;

fn(null, 42);

fn.calls; // > [ [null, 42], [ {foo:'bar'} ] ]