lrDragNDrop copied to clipboard
Can you provide an example for drop feature for empty collection?
It said in the documentation that for empty collection, one can write his own directive base on the lrDragStore service. Could you please provide an example for this? I tried working through the source code but I'm not so fluent with angularjs so I couldn't come up with one that works.
Thank you.
+1 I was about to ask the same question. Thanks.
Same here. Please provide an example if possible. Thanks!
Was wondering if any solution was found for this. I just started using this library and was wondering if there was a fix to this already before trying it myself
@tcogan12 I suggest you to try Fabric.js
Thanks @shurui91 ! My project actually ended up switching to Angular Drag and Drop Lists, but I'll check out Fabric to see if that has better functionality still