Just checked out your branch and ran the unit tests. Some of them are now failing, apparently because the datetime equality checks are not passing. Can you make look into...
Hey and thanks for reaching out. You can check the [ocpp2.0-features](https://github.com/lorenzodonini/ocpp-go/tree/ocpp2.0-features/ocpp2.0) branch to see the current status. I'm planning on finishing the implementation of v2.0.1 soon and then release an...
Hey, the plan is to release the OCPP 2.0.1 docker images exactly as I did for 1.6 already. I'm slowly working on adding all the 2.0.1 features, so that's why...
Just as a quick update, the docker images for OCPP 2.0.1 were added recently, so feel free to check them out.
Hey @bhatanku1, I'm aware that invoking `Stop` on a client on which the `Start` method was never invoked before crashes the client. This is actually by design (the same way...
Hey @xBlaz3kx , your solution looks very good and it would make sense to somehow integrate it into the lib as configuration management package (we maybe have to adjust a...
Hey @mbbirkel, incoming callbacks from chargers (both on new connection and on messages) are fully concurrent, hence they need to be synchronized by the application. I will update the examples...
This is still an outstanding feature. I will work on it after adding support for contexts passed by the application. Stay tuned.
Hey, > with this ws://localhost:8887, I guess I need to pass on the CLIENT_ID but how and where? In the simplest case, the server could be started with: ```go centralSystem.Start(8887,...
Hey @KatyushaScarlet , you don't need to marshal anything beforehand. If pre-marshaled, the data field will effectively be a byte array, which will be transformed to base64 when marshaled, which...