- [x] Unet predictions follow the AbstractStep like the rest of the pipeline - [x] New in-memory array loader and predictor - [x] Implement all steps as pure functions (preprocessing,...
- [ ] version control #145
It would be a nice feature to add a simple console notification that a new plantseg version has been released. Do you know if conda or git has a public...
@wolny This error happens if the image is smaller that the patch size in any give dimension. I think this can be avoided by checking it in the `@widget_unet_predictions.model_name.changed.connect`. Do...
- New structure for plantseg local files: before all plantseg user files were stored in `.plantseg_models`, and now: ``` .plantseg/ -------------/configs/ ------------/models/ -----------/user_dataset.yaml ``` - New module `dataset_tools` to handle...