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Home Assistant Integration for Silence Scooter

Home Assistant Integration for Silence Scooter

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Silence.eco Scooter data for [Home Assistant][https://www.home-assistant.io]

This is a Home Assistant custom component that integrate data from you Silence Scooter to Home Assistant. If you like this project you can support me with :coffee: or simply put a :star: to this repository :blush:

Buy Me A Coffee


This plugin was developed by analyzing traffic from official Silence Connected App, it was not sponsored or officially supported by Silence.eco If someone from Silence would like to contribute or collaborate please contact me at [email protected]


You can install this plugin like any other hacs integration on home assistant.


  • Add repository "https://github.com/lorenzo-deluca/homeassistant-silence" to custom repositories and select "Integration" category.
  • Click on "Install" in the plugin card.


Copy or link silencescooter subfolder to config/custom_components.


Configure you Scooter with Silence APP, edit configuration.yaml file adding this sensor with your app credentials.

  - platform: silencescooter
    name: MySilenceScooter
    username: !secret silenceuser
    password: !secret silencepassword

Home Assistant

After installing and configuring the plugin you will be able to view on home assistant all the data of your scooter silence, keep statistics and use them for your automations.


After installation and configuration, if everything is working (if not, check the registry by searching 'silence'), you will find several sensor entities named 'silence.xxx'

HA Entities HA Battery Soc


You can create various tabs like this one

Lovelace Scooter

Here is the YAML code, you need some HACS Frontend integration installed:

  • [x] vertical-stack-in-card
  • [x] custom:mini-graph-card
type: custom:vertical-stack-in-card
  - type: picture
    image: local/dark_logo.png
  - type: custom:bar-card
    height: 35px
      - entity: sensor.silence_batterysoc
        name: Battery SoC
  - type: entities
      - entity: sensor.silence_status
        name: Status
      - entity: sensor.silence_alarmactivated
        name: Alarm
      - entity: sensor.silence_batteryout
        name: Battery Out
      - entity: sensor.silence_charging
        name: In Charging
      - entity: sensor.silence_odometer
        name: Odometer
      - entity: sensor.silence_range
        name: Range
      - entity: sensor.silence_velocity
        name: Speed
      - entity: sensor.silence_lastreporttime
        name: Last Update
  - type: glance
    title: Scooter
      - entity: sensor.silence_name
        name: Name
      - entity: sensor.silence_color
        name: Color
      - entity: sensor.silence_model
        name: Model
      - entity: sensor.silence_manufacturedate
        name: Manufacture
      - entity: sensor.silence_frameno
        name: Frame
      - entity: sensor.silence_imei
        name: IMEI
    show_icon: false
  - type: horizontal-stack
    title: Temperature
      - type: custom:mini-graph-card
          - entity: sensor.silence_motortemperature
            name: Motor
            line_color: red
      - type: custom:mini-graph-card
          - entity: sensor.silence_invertertemperature
            name: Inverter
      - type: custom:mini-graph-card
          - entity: sensor.silence_batterytemperature
            name: Battery

Device Tracker

For device tracking you can use this automation to update a dummy device tracker called silence_scooter_tracker

alias: Auto - Silence Scooter Update Location
description: ""
  - platform: state
      - sensor.silence_location_latitude
  - platform: state
      - sensor.silence_location_longitude
  - platform: homeassistant
    event: start
condition: []
  - service: device_tracker.see
      dev_id: silence_scooter_tracker
        - "{{ states('sensor.silence_location_latitude') }}"
        - "{{ states('sensor.silence_location_longitude') }}"
mode: single

HA Device Tracker

Work in Progress

Remote controls from the app, such as on/off, opening the under seat and alarm activation, are still to be managed. I have captured the apis but I still have to implement the services from Home Assistant. Any help is welcome, if you have new implementations feel free to make pull requests :blush:

Tested on Silence Scooters

  • [x] Silence S01 Connected
  • [x] Silence S01+

Known issues (FAQ)

  • For now desn't work with Seat Mo [https://github.com/lorenzo-deluca/homeassistant-silence/issues/3] because Seat use different cloud provider.


GNU AGPLv3 © [Lorenzo De Luca][https://lorenzodeluca.dev]