Karoy Lorentey

Results 187 comments of Karoy Lorentey

We actually shipped DocC bundles in 1.0.4 with https://github.com/apple/swift-collections/pull/252!

It turns out we already have this change on `main`, `release/1.1` and `release/1.0`! -- GitHub didn't flag the PR as invalid because it duplicates a previous change exactly, so it...

We do not have a 1.1.0 release tagged yet; the repository's current default branch is downstream from the 1.1 release branch, so the README is documenting a setup that isn't...

Rescheduling to 1.2, as this should not block shipping 1.1.

I think we wouldn't want to ship 1.1 with the current operators, so I'm provisionally scheduling this for 1.1. We may end up deferring adding the slicing variants to a...

Rescheduling to 1.2, to unblock the 1.1 release. I'm disabling these operators on release/1.1 for now, in https://github.com/apple/swift-collections/pull/353.

Testing every minor release ever shipped for a major Swift release (such as 5.7) would be prohibitively expensive, so [we only ran prerelease tests on the latest point releases](https://github.com/apple/swift-collections/issues/345#issuecomment-1924993074) (in...

Unfortunately, that doesn't seem to work. 😞

Perhaps! The quick smoke test I ran was this: ``` $ head -1 Package.swift // swift-tools-version:5.9.2 $ xcrun swift --version swift-driver version: 1.87.3 Apple Swift version 5.9.2 (swiftlang- clang-1500. Target:...

The solution is to upgrade to Xcode 14.2 with Swift 5.7.2. Do you have a reason for not doing that?