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A simplified, stripped down IPython-based repl with sane defaults and easy dotfiles configuration

Status Code style: black


A simple & stripped down python REPL based on iPython

  • all your favorite iPython goodness with a simple dotfile based config!
  • unobtrusive default prompt!
  • auto-magically detect & activate virtualenvs!
  • auto-magically bootstrap into pex'd environments with %pex
  • easy to theme using pygments styles!


pip install hiss-repl

for additional themes, include the themes package

pip install hiss-themes

want more themes? (of course you do) add them to the themes package !!

for a fully self-contained binary executable you can leverage shiv:

cd `mktemp -d`
python3 -m venv .
. bin/activate
pip install shiv
shiv -c hiss -o hiss hiss-repl hiss-themes ipdb -p '/usr/bin/env python3'
mkdir -p ~/bin
mv hiss ~/bin/hiss


simple config options can be put into ~/.hiss (or anywhere so long as you specify the config path on the command line via hiss -c /path/to/.hiss. You can also customize the syntax highlighting using pygments styles (see pygments.styles.get_all_styles() for a full list, or install the hiss_themes package for additional themes)!

for example:

$ cat ~/.hiss
# Hiss config options, values set to defaults

# syntax color theme, can be any built-in pygments theme or ones added by the hiss_themes package
theme        = legacy

# enables or disables iPython's autoreload feature
autoreload   = False

# controls whether or not you want to be prompted when exiting
confirm_exit = False

# prompt and traceback color schemes, http://ipython.readthedocs.io/en/stable/config/details.html?highlight=colors#terminal-colors
colors       = Linux

# which editor to use for macros like %edit
editor       = vim

# how exceptions are reported, can be 'Context'|'Plain'|'Verbose'
xmode        = Context

# changes the editing mode in the REPL
editing_mode = vi


default settings with custom theme virtualenv detection


still a work in progress

very open to contribution! just fork and submit a PR

looking for help with:

  • adding some additional magic commands
    • I'd especially love to see some macro storage magic
  • more config options from ipython (we currently only support a small subset)
  • it's pesky that IPython.start creates ~/.ipython even though this project doesn't use it
  • more themes!!


git clone https://github.com/sixninetynine/hiss.git
cd hiss
python3 setup.py venv
source activate
python setup.py develop

running tests

(there's like ... practically no tests... 🙃)

pip install tox

  • Free software: MIT license