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Minecraft Cloud Shell & Colab (or anywhere cloud services) Tutorial & Info
In this project, we'll teach you host your very own Java/Bedrock Minecraft Server using Google Cloud Shell
. This works under Ubuntu/Debian
based Linux operation system. This project requires NO CREDIT CARD and the whole project is entirely FREE! You can make a server without costing you anything.
The following features are added into this project are:
- Supports different type of Bedrock Servers
- Clean & Friendly Interface
- Supports Additional type of Java Server (eg. Sponge, Paper, Fabric etc)
- Added Server Management
- Easier functional scripts (eg. ./uninstall allows you to delete your server easily)
- Instant EULA script setup (Completly skipping this part which makes other people's life much easier to manage)
- Faster Server Installation (It would probably take you like approx 30 seconds to setup a server)
Need help?
Watch this Tutorial with ArcticWoof
To do list
- [x] Asking the user for the specific version they want to run of java.
- [x] Add 3rd party sources in the list.
- [x] Automatic message typer for typing something on the server. (AFK APP)
- [x] More easy way to upload files on google drive.(use cloud-shell editor)
- [x] Update script.
Server Specs:
- OS: Debian GNU/Linux 10 (buster) x86_64
- RAM: 8GB to 16GB
- Location: Based on your physical location.
- Storage: Approx 5GB
- CPU: AMD EPYC (2) 7B12 @ 2.249GHz or Intel Xeon (4) @ 2.199GHz
You can view your exact specs by doing ./specinfo
Service Used:
- Activate a Google Cloud Shell on Google cloud.
- Clone this GitHub Project into the Console:
git clone
- Go into
cd mcserver
- Allow all commands executable:
chmod +x *
- Run the Installation Script:
Follow the installation step shown in the console
- Run the Start Server Script:
(You only need to do this if you chose No
Java Server Additional Setup (You can skip this part)
(This only applies to Java Servers including Nukkit or the EULA script didn't work for you.)
If you first start up your server, it will fail to start because you need to accept the EULA to run properly.
- Go to the server directory and accept the EULA
cd server
nano eula.txt
- Be sure that
contains the following text below:
Do Ctrl + W
then press Y
to save and press Enter
exit the text editor.
- Go back to the main directory:
cd ..
- And Restart the Server.
- Now everything should be functional and ready. You can check if your server is up and running by doing
screen -r server
Playit Installation (to create a tunnel and get links)
- makes it easy for friends to connect.
- Install Playit
curl -SsL | gpg --dearmor | sudo tee /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/playit.gpg >/dev/null
echo "deb [signed-by=/etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/playit.gpg] ./" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/playit-cloud.list
sudo apt update
sudo apt install playit
- Start Playit
- a playit link will be created for the tunnel, first create a free playit account by clicking on that link and then follow the instructions
Joining your Server
- To join your server, start your server by doing
(If you haven't started it yet) and do this command:
screen -r playit
- Now click the Claim URL and it should show you your host IP and Tunnel Server.
- Once your in that page, scroll down and click Add Tunnel on Minecraft Java/Bedrock and next to the Local server address, click Add.
- Now copy the generated dedicated IP something along with
and copy it into the Server Address in Minecraft and now you can play the server.
(Note: If you want to change the Claim URL, you need to Stop the Server. This will reset your server IP.)
Accessing Server Console
- To access your server console, open this following session:
screen -r server
To completly stop the server, you can do ./stopserver
on the Linux console or do exit
or stop
on the Minecraft console
Detaching Screen/Session
- To Detach the session you can do it using the following keyboard shortcuts
then pressD
Third-Party Launcher
- If you are using like a cracked version of Minecraft Java Edition
Example: Tlauncher
- Go to
and find the propertiesonline-mode
- Change it from
Do Ctrl + W
then press Y
to save and press Enter
exit the text editor.
- Restart your server after you apply these changes.
Access Server Files
If you want to access your server files, go to Open Editor
on the top right.
- Once you there, if you don't see any folders on the left side, you can
Open Folder
and pickmcserver
and go toserver
to view and modify anything inside. - If you made any changes on your server, restart your server. After you restarted your server, all the changes are saved into your server.
Changing/Customize Variables
If you want to change the variables inside the script or just tweak something for your server to work, you can change and edit the varibles/
- To do this, go to either
onCloud Shell Editor
The following Java
servers are supported for custom variables:
- Fabric
- Forge
- Paper
- Vanilla
The following Bedrock
servers are supported for custom variables:
- Nukkit
- PocketmineMP
- Vanilla
These servers aren't supported for custom variables:
- Sponge
(This server type is too old and it only supports direct download) - GoMint
(No Variables needed for this type of server)
Older Version
If you are using older version of Minecraft check out this documentation and install it according to your need:
You can go inside the server scripts and edit ONLY on this section of the code:
(Note: Do not edit the code below and above as it will break the installation and you have to delete the project again.)
Restarting your Server
If you don't know what restarting your server mean, here's the step.
- Go to
directory and do this command. - Stop the server which stops both the Minecraft Server and tunneling system:
- And now start your server again:
Now your server has fully restarted.
Keeping the Server Alive 24/7
There's only ONE way to keep your server online longer than 20 minutes:
- You must Keep your browser open to keep your server online. This so the shell doesn't get terminated when it's unused or the browser is closed.
(Don't worry, your device that is being used to host your server isn't affected from the intensity of your server.)
If you have any method the would possibly keep the server alive 24/7, feel free to Fork this project and request a Pull to this project. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Limitation of this project
Google Cloud Shell Quota
While I was editing this project, I notice that Google has added a quota for each Cloud Shell uses and you can only host your server for the max of 50
hours per Week
Once you used all of the hours, you can't use it again until next week.
No Dedicated IP
Sadly you can't use the host IP into your dedicated IP as it won't let you join that server, you can only join your server by the generated dedicated IP provided by If you know how to reverse proxy the tunnel system, you can actually use the host IP to make a dedicated IP for your server but I highly doubt that would ever happen.
Mixed Server Specs
Each Cloud Shell session will have different specs of your server based on your physical location so you won't always get the best performance of your server but good news being that it's always the range between 8GB
to 16GB
so you won't have to worry about lag when playing in the server with high processing in your server.
Uninstall/Remove the Server
- If you want to make a new or delete your server, do this command inside
It will tell you if you really want to uninstall it or not.
- This will remove the whole server folder and you can make a new one again by doing
Deleting/Updating the whole Project
This project will constantly update day after day until I make a perfect project. If you have install this project before and it has some lack of features, you can update the project by doing this steps.
- First, go to the default folder
- Now delete the whole project (Be careful, backup/download your world folder FIRST before deleting it. You can't go back once you do this command):
sudo rm -r mcserver
If the project is completely deleted, you can Clone the Project again and it should be up to date with the new features and code from this project!
Now you can host your very own Minecraft Server for both Java & Bedrock fast and easy and it won't cost you a single penny to make a fast and strong server. Best of all, IT'S FOREVER! Feel free to leave any requests you would like me to add into the project. If you have any issues, go to the Issues tab and submit a issue there.
Project Creator: LordOfWizard
Tutorial Creator: DumbCaveSpider
Project Maintainer: Silent-Crafter