Philipp Wollschlegel
Philipp Wollschlegel
Stuff like this should be possible with the builtin [lua]( engine. Maybe you can code a few examples, so we can enhance the docs?
This is a community project. If you don't have the time, no one else is there to implement.
This should be a bug. As this is unpredictable. Platform is android i assume?
Also what version are you using? Can you add screenshots? And xcsoar.log?
Please make a PR @XCNav will discuss in there.
LXNavigation products are not supported at this time. And until lxnvaigation fix their device's firmware it just won't be. (current firmware, now outputs the QNH offset in feet, but only...
the LXNAV driver expects baroaltitude (m) LX EOS supplies true altitude. so the QNH is applied 2*. Once by the vario and once by the setting in xcsoar. Again LXNAV...
Sure then make the change, and try it.
There is support in the repository for waypoint_details files: This however only manages the waypoint details file, no referenced content. An option would be to supply the files with...
What is really needed is a new filetype archive style. Similar to xcm e.g. xcw zip uncompressed archive: In there are: - waypoints (cup format) - waypoint_details file - any...