Philipp Wollschlegel
Philipp Wollschlegel
No info since 2 months. closing.
I agree. Missing feature and contributions welcome. I was also thinking of a "shout at" function. Select Flarm target and switch to the frequency from the flarmnet.
Extracted is the wrong word here. The winpilot standard has been ammend at some point to include the AF field ``` *## (R) EHR 3A (Oldebroek) ### AC R AN...
So both companies (lxnav and lxnavigation) spec the LXWP0 sentence: Lxnav barometric altitude: Lxnavigation in their doc in #389 say: True altitude in meters While we could work around...
All the basics (data exchange, bugs, mc) should work out of the box with the LXNAV driver. Its just that ERA device is not outputting what is defined in their...
I'm talking to them via Whatsapp. Lets see if what they think.
@MaxKellermann i think its the same issue as LXNAV had with firmware version 2.0 of the S7 Vario. The LXWP0 sentence outputs baro altitude + qnh correction, when it only...
> unfortunately i don't know, but the current version of xc for openvario and android definitely has problems with the baro altitude of the last era software. > >
We really need nmea log of this. All we have is the xcsoar igc file linked above. To be fair: lxnavigation (or rather the italian reseller) - has published a...
Its lots of work. XCSoar's map render-er is cross-platform written in c++. So it cannot use the map render-er for example used by android. So no easy re usage of...