Philipp Wollschlegel
Philipp Wollschlegel
I suggest to use something established. potentially modbus-ascii seems simple enough. * clear text (similar to nmea) * includes addressing / checksum * it can run over rs232 or...
You need the mobus checksum as you unpack the packet on the farside (hopefullly checked). The nmea checksum is then interpreted by the device. "The Message field is a Modbus...
We have the STF Risk Factor algorithm that adds a safety range to the MC when far away and close to the glide path. In the manual Section: 6.7 Speed...
There is the flip side of this coin. setting it to 2.0 will remove quite a few landing options (non,green) from the landables dialog. This can also lead a novice...
Can you unplug and replug your device and paste the most recent kernel messages? dmesg is the Command.
What you are here referring to is actually the nodata bit. So these are the pixels where the raster has no pixel value (height). Its mostly used for ocean. There...
> > * icons do not have a consistent visual weight (some appear prominent, some almost disappear in the background) > > * some icons are rendered blurry due to...
@elgandoz please also be aware of #921 if you are creating icons. Flarm traffic could also use bitmaps that signify the aircraft type.
Are you guys going to submit a new PR?
There is a new ticket #938 does this cover this here?