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Unable to even tap log in
When I put my credentials in to log into either Facebook or Google hangouts and tap to log in the app does not seem to register that I tapped it other than the keyboard going away. Is there anything I can do to fix this? I'm on a LG fx0
facebook is not supported anymore.
For google hangouts I can see whats going wrong there.
well I think it's the same problem for both of them, what do you need to see what's wrong?
what is your FxOS version and which version on Loqui IM are you running on your device?
FxOS version is 2.1 prerelease and the version of Loqui IM is 0.4.15 which is the highest on the marketplace. If there's a way to put the newest version on my phone that would be helpful. Sorry I'm not really a developer or anything.
Hm. If FB is no longer supported, should/could I remove all FB code?
@Honk2 implementing the new FB protocol would be even better, see
Ah I see. Support is not dropped by Loqui but from FB...