RCPageControl icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
RCPageControl copied to clipboard

Yet another page control for iOS, with awesome animation powered by facebook pop library.


License MIT Build Platform Build Version Build Status

Yet another page control for iOS, with awesome animation powered by Facebook pop library.


Any idea to make this more awesome? Please feel free to open an issue or make a PR.


Run Example

In your terminal,

cd [workspace]/RCPageControl/RCPageControlExample
pod install


open RCPageControlExample.xcworkspace

or typing xed ..


The recommended approach for installating RCPageControl is via the CocoaPods package manager.

In your Podfile, add a line shows below:

pod 'RCPageControl'


pod update


The API of RCPageControl is highly similar as UIPageControl.

1. First of all

Use by including the following import:

#import <RCPageControl/RCPageControl.h>

or if you're using the embedded framework:

@import RCPageControl;
import RCPageControl

2. Initialization

Using initWithFrame:

RCPageControl *pageControl = [RCPageControl initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, 100, 10)];
let pageControl = RCPageControl(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 100, height: 10))

Using initWithNumberOfPages:

RCPageControl *pageControl = [RCPageControl initWithNumberOfPages:5];
let pageControl = RCPageControl(numberOfPages: 5)

3. Callback

Using UIControlEvent

[pageControl addTarget:self action:@selector(changePage:) forControlEvents:UIControlEventValueChanged];
pageControl?.addTarget(self, action: #selector(changePage(sender:)), for: .valueChanged)

Using RCCurrentPageChangedBlock

[pageControl setCurrentPageChangedBlock:^(RCPageControl *pageControl) {
    // Code here
pageControl?.currentPageChangedBlock = { (pageControl) in
    // Code here

4. Properties

Just list new properties of RCPageControl.

  • indicatorDotGap The distance between two dots from their edges. Default value is 10.0, cannot be smaller than 2.0.

  • indicatorDotWidth The width of dot, you may assume that the dot is likes a circle. Default value is 4.0, cannot be smaller than 2.0.

  • animationSpeed & animationBounciness

We use POPSpringAnimation for dots animation. See POPSpringAnimation.h for more info.

  • animationDuration

The duration for UIView animation. Using in _indicatorIndexLabel animation. Only available when hideCurrentPageIndex is setting to NO. Default is 0.6.

  • animationScaleFactor

The dot scale factor. Using to calculate the width of current dot. Default is 2.

  • hideCurrentPageIndex

When set to YES, the Page Index Label will be hidden. Default is NO. The displayed page is start from 1.

  • disableAnimation

When set to YES, all indicator dots' changing animation will be disabled. Default is NO.

  • pageIndicatorTintColor

The dot background color. Default is [UIColor lightTextColor].

  • currentPageIndicatorTintColor

The current dot background color. Default is [UIColor whiteColor].

  • currentPageIndexTextTintColor

The Page Index Label's TextColor. Default is [UIColor darkTextColor].

  • currentPageIndexTextFont

The Page Index Label's Font. Default is [UIFont systemFontOfSize:0]. The font size will automatically adjusts by the value of indicatorDotWidth and animationScaleFactor


RCPageControl is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.