shadow copied to clipboard
Deprecated because of the performance not fine. Android custom shadow view, can replace your CardView
1. 滑动卡顿 2. RecyclerView有一些较长的内容的Item会不显示 解决方法: ``` setLayerType(LAYER_TYPE_HARDWARE, null); ``` 仓库作者自己改下吧,关于第2个问题不显示我也不知道为什么,因为按理说软件绘制应该支持所有的效果,但是确实这里有问题。
The library is located in jcenter repository which is deprecated. Please change the repository to mavenentral that is a non-deprecated repository so that it is using a stable repository, it...
Fix a lot of grammar errors. Rewrite the "Overview" part to make sentences coherent.
my app crashing when i add 🔘 button
使用 ISS #19 的解决方案
AAPT: error: duplicate value for resource 'attr/layout_gravity' with config ''.
在布局中使用水波纹点击效果时,点击出现明显卡顿 ``` ```
Android resource compilation failed duplicate value for resource 'attr/layout_gravity' with config '' resource previously defined here.
Hey if it's possible could You downgrade Android SDK to version 16