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Adapter that allows Truffle Suite to communicate with Loom DappChain

Loom Truffle Provider

Adapter that allows Truffle Suite to communicate with a Loom DappChain.


yarn add loom-truffle-provider
# or
npm install loom-truffle-provider


Node >= 8


npm install -g truffle


Loom Truffle Provider makes it possible to deploy smart contracts written in Solidity and using Truffle Suite on a Loom DappChain. Here's an example Truffle configuration that uses the Loom Truffle Provider...

// truffle.js
const { readFileSync } = require('fs')
const LoomTruffleProvider = require('loom-truffle-provider')

const chainId    = 'default'
const writeUrl   = ''
const readUrl    = ''

// ./privateKey file contains a base64 encoded key generated by the command:
// loom genkey -a publicKey -k privateKey
const privateKey = readFileSync('./privateKey', 'utf-8')

const loomTruffleProvider = new LoomTruffleProvider(chainId, writeUrl, readUrl, privateKey)

// Create 10 extra accounts, useful for tests

module.exports = {
  networks: {
    loom_dapp_chain: {
      provider: loomTruffleProvider,
      network_id: '*'

Accounts managed by LoomTruffleProvider

In order to access accounts on LoomTruffleProvider you should use the function getProviderEngine which will return the LoomProvider giving access to properties accounts.

const loomTruffleProvider = new LoomTruffleProvider(chainId, writeUrl, readUrl, privateKey)
const loomProvider = loomTruffleProvider.getProviderEngine()

console.log("Accounts and Private Keys", loomProvider.accounts)

Another way to create extra accounts is to use a BIP-39 mnemonic, which will create extra accounts from a set of words.

// Using the mnemonic code to create 10 accounts
loomTruffleProvider.createExtraAccountsFromMnemonic("gravity top burden ship student car spell purchase hundred improve check genre", 10)

Note that the account at index 0 is created from the key passed to the LoomTruffleProvider constructor, while the other accounts are created from the mnemonic.


  • Make sure that the Loom DappChain node is running before executing any Truffle command.
  • The Truffle network option must be set to loom_dapp_chain when using the example configuration above, e.g. truffle deploy --network loom_dapp_chain.