loom-js copied to clipboard
allEvents fails to capture both events emitted by solidity contract function
"loom-js": "^1.30.2" solidity ^0.4.23 latest loom installed from
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/loomnetwork/loom-sdk-documentation/master/scripts/get_loom.sh | sh
this.repSysInstance.events.allEvents().on('data', this.onEvent)
This one does not catch both events (Delegate, UpdateDelegation) emitted from a function. Only the first event emiited (UpdateDelegation) is caught.
We have to add the following code to make it work
this.repSysInstance.events.Delegate({},(error, event) => { ... })
Related to #82
It turned out using the above code did not work as well, we did a little experiment as follows:
- solidity code
event Test(uint num);
function test(uint k) external {
for (uint i = 0; i < k; i++) {
emit Test(i);
- truffle test script
let rv = await contract.test(2)
- Contract event listener js script:
this.contract.events.Test({fromBlock: 0},
(error, event) => {
Only one event received in our event listener yet 2 events showed up in the test script log:
{ tx: '0x32c257bb576102c8e1cfde8c96efb2cce36aebe14250ff4edf271b599a93e5bb',
{ transactionHash: '0x32c257bb576102c8e1cfde8c96efb2cce36aebe14250ff4edf271b599a93e5bb',
transactionIndex: 1,
blockHash: '0x77338f1bd79aadf62bea957e7a6bd807a22dc5e6',
blockNumber: 242421,
contractAddress: '0x36d2b3675607f48e03dd3fdde3e34e5ad7d74397',
gasUsed: 0,
cumulativeGasUsed: 0,
logs: [ [Object], [Object] ],
status: '0x1' },
[ { logIndex: 0,
address: '0x36d2b3675607f48e03dd3fdde3e34e5ad7d74397',
blockHash: '0x77338f1bd79aadf62bea957e7a6bd807a22dc5e6',
blockNumber: 242421,
transactionHash: '0x32c257bb576102c8e1cfde8c96efb2cce36aebe14250ff4edf271b599a93e5bb',
transactionIndex: 1,
type: 'mined',
event: 'Test',
args: [Object] },
{ logIndex: 1,
address: '0x36d2b3675607f48e03dd3fdde3e34e5ad7d74397',
blockHash: '0x77338f1bd79aadf62bea957e7a6bd807a22dc5e6',
blockNumber: 242421,
transactionHash: '0x32c257bb576102c8e1cfde8c96efb2cce36aebe14250ff4edf271b599a93e5bb',
transactionIndex: 1,
type: 'mined',
event: 'Test',
args: [Object] } ] }
@timothywangdev what is the version of the loom sdk
, loom version
@eduardonunesp loom: 1.0.0+b478 "loom-truffle-provider": "^0.8.0" "web3": "^1.0.0-beta.33"
I'm having the same issue.
This function is really suspicious in LoomProvider.ts
private _onWebSocketMessage(msgEvent: IChainEventArgs) {
if (msgEvent.data && msgEvent.id !== '0') {
log(`Socket message arrived ${JSON.stringify(msgEvent)}`)
this.notificationCallbacks.forEach((callback: Function) => {
const JSONRPCResult = {
jsonrpc: '2.0',
method: 'eth_subscription',
params: {
subscription: msgEvent.id,
result: {
transactionHash: bytesToHexAddrLC(msgEvent.transactionHashBytes),
logIndex: '0x0',
transactionIndex: '0x0',
blockHash: '0x0',
blockNumber: '0x0',
address: msgEvent.contractAddress.local.toString(),
type: 'mined',
data: bytesToHexAddrLC(msgEvent.data),
topics: msgEvent.topics
It also hardcodes blockNumber: '0x0'
which leads to unexpected behaviour.
Can we get some updates on the fix? Thanks. @eduardonunesp
hey @timothywangdev we are heads down for our upcoming plasmachain launch, this is likely 2 weeks off. I'm sorry we are a bit swamped. Can you give us some background on what you are trying to build?
Hi @timothywangdev thanks for your report, could you please confirm if the test add on this PR https://github.com/loomnetwork/loom-js/pull/194 is compatible with your issue