
Results 59 comments of dragon10

> # import multiprocessing > # multiprocessing.set_start_method("spawn") tks, it works. by the way,'multiprocessing.set_start_method("spawn")' must be changed in the mp_reader.py file

> Hi lonngxiang, I reproduced the problem that you met, and it may be caused by some changes in python conflicting with the pgl's default multiprocess settings. A temporary fix...

> Hi lonngxiang, as for get the representation of the compound or protein, you can add some codes in the corresponding model.py to get it. For the pretrain_gnn model, it...

> 1. 你可以在model 那里 把retrun pred 换成return pred, graph_repr 就可以获得每个分子的表示了. > 2. 引入DownstreamModel的先后顺序应该不影响内部proteinmodel的加载 上面说的化合物分子通过更改return pred, graph_repr我理解了,那蛋白分子表示获取应该怎么更改呢

> As for loading the model, you can refer to the paddle's offical api of saving and loading model here: https://www.paddlepaddle.org.cn/documentation/docs/zh/faq/save_cn.html#wenti-zengliangxunlianzhong-ruhebaocunmoxinghehuifuxunlian . After you init the VAE model, you can...

> encoder_repr = encoder_model(texts, pos) > print(encoder_repr.shape) 感谢回复,这样得到的shape看是[2, 362, 1024],案例是两个蛋白质氨基酸序列,362是指?整个蛋白的表示是取哪个呢 ``` Tensor(shape=[2, 362, 1024], dtype=float32, place=CPUPlace, stop_gradient=False, [[[ 0.00685551, -0.01426834, 0. , ..., 0. , 0.04076507, -0.03458853], [ 0.01100845, -0.02210978,...

> > > encoder_repr = encoder_model(texts, pos) > > > print(encoder_repr.shape) > > > > > > 感谢回复,这样得到的shape看是[2, 362, 1024],案例是两个蛋白质氨基酸序列,362是指?整个蛋白的表示是取哪个呢 > > ``` > > Tensor(shape=[2, 362, 1024], dtype=float32, place=CPUPlace,...

> > > > > encoder_repr = encoder_model(texts, pos) > > > > > print(encoder_repr.shape) > > > > > > > > > > > > 感谢回复,这样得到的shape看是[2, 362, 1024],案例是两个蛋白质氨基酸序列,362是指?整个蛋白的表示是取哪个呢...

> Hey, Please check out this [tutorial](https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1JEMiMvSBuqCuzzREYpviNZZRVOYsgivA?usp=sharing#forceEdit=true&sandboxMode=true). We pretrained GraphAF and G2Gs for 5 epochs. Please check this [google drive folder](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/177KKmjcSiYfvEVZkBw5RZFk9Mq2t8GBF?usp=sharing) gcpn_zinc250k_5epoch.pkl;How to load and use, can you provide the...