golang-nw copied to clipboard
output not correct on OSX ?
x-MacBook-Pro:example apple$ golang-nw-pkg --app=$GOBIN/example --name="My Application" --bin="myapp" --toolbar=false
Building: myapp.nw
Downloading: http://dl.node-webkit.org/v0.11.6/node-webkit-v0.11.6-osx-x64.zip
Packaging: myapp
x-MacBook-Pro:example apple$ ls
main.go myapp.nw node-webkit-v0.11.6-osx-x64.zip
i get a .nw for my output.
I guess i have to pass it into the nw-builder now ??
also the download path for the newer stuff is different in that the file names have changed. For example the latest stable build is here: http://dl.nwjs.io/v0.16.1/
If you compare it to the current one your setup for: http://dl.nwjs.io/v0.11.3/
The files names are different.