Long Ho

Results 133 comments of Long Ho

hello 👋🏼 just wanna add our use case here for the AST plugin API. I maintain [react-intl/formatjs](https://github.com/formatjs/formatjs) and we do have babel plugin & TS AST transformer to precompile ICU...

@zloirock can you update the README to point to https://formatjs.io/docs/polyfills?

It is a TON more work though (it exhaustively checks object prototype descriptors, `toString`...). I can make a PR to get the harness running, but fixing all the possible issues...

kk I'll put in a PR soon

Do we have any updates on this? Would be great if I can use Strider for my org's GH Enterprise :+1:

Agree. Seems like a big change w/o some sort of RFC.

seems like postcss-import doesn't wanna suport `sync` so im just releasing my patch as a separate pkg https://www.npmjs.com/package/postcss-import-sync2

Yup I did but my understanding is i have to set them during "npm install" and not after?

Unfortunately no because the build sandbox is readonly :(