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fastapi-cache is a tool to cache fastapi response and function result, with backends support redis and memcached.

Results 119 fastapi-cache issues
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Hi Folks, I have a function that returns an user querying the username: The endpoint: ```python @app.get("/users/u/{username}", response_model=schemas.Artist) @cache(expire=180, key_builder=request_key_builder) async def read_user(username: str, db: Session = Depends(get_db)) -> schemas.Artist:...

I'm seeing this error in Sentry: TypeError - Pendulum.parse() got an unexpected keyword argument 'exact' ``` fastapi_cache/ in at line 15 from starlette.responses import JSONResponse from starlette.templating import _TemplateResponse as...

Adding libsql as an optional backend, enabling embedded or disk-local caches. Embedded db performance is much better than the other options for some use cases, since it means no network...

What's the point of md5 usage? md5 was proofed to be [insecure][wiki]. It's possible to find collisions fast. A potential attacker theoretically can send unique query parameters which weren't...

Bumps [towncrier]( from 22.12.0 to 23.6.0. Release notes Sourced from towncrier's releases. Towncrier 23.6.0 towncrier 23.6.0 (2023-06-06) This is the last release to support Python 3.7. Features Make towncrier create...


I believe there's a use-case for allowing some non-GET requests to be cacheable. Given restrictions on the length of HTTP requests, it is sometimes necessary to embed data into requests....

@cache's type hint allowed only awaitables, although the implementation supported both. This commit allows both awaitables and non-awaitables for @cache's type hint.

This idea comes from Spring Cache, which mainly provides caching function for methods or functions, similar to `functools.cache` in Python. These features are often applied to "CRUD" methods, while the...


If I'm not mistaken, I found out that this library does not support RedisJSON, can I work to add it?

Hi, has anyone done or thought of solving 'dogpiling' somehow with fastapi-cache? The dogpile.cache lib describes the problem nicely, Briefly, in the case of an empty initial cache, it's...