fastapi-cache icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
fastapi-cache copied to clipboard

Serialize to type hinted response type first?

Open PaleNeutron opened this issue 2 months ago • 0 comments

See here:

My example code

class StrategyWithPortfolios(StrategyWithCategory):

    portfolios: list[Portfolio] = []

async def read_strategies(
    session: Session = Depends(get_session),
) -> list[StrategyWithPortfolios]:
    get all Strategy
    stmt = (
    ret = stmt.all()
    ret = [StrategyWithPortfolios.model_validate(r) for r in ret]  # very important!!!!!
    return ret

The returned result is sqlalchemy orm class Strategy but the data structure I want to return is StrategyWithPortfolios.

The code works well without the line ret = [StrategyWithPortfolios.model_validate(r) for r in ret] and @cache(expire=60).

But if I add @cache(expire=60) it save fields only belong to Strategy not portfolios nor Category to redis.

Please serialize the returned result to given pydantic model before save it to backend.

PaleNeutron avatar Apr 08 '24 03:04 PaleNeutron