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A tool focus on error reporting for your application, like sentry but lightweight


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Alarmer is a tool focus on error reporting for your application, like sentry but lightweight.


pip install alarmer


It's simple to integrate alarmer in your application, just call Alarmer.init on startup of your application.

import os

from alarmer import Alarmer
from alarmer.provider.feishu import FeiShuProvider

def main():
    raise Exception("test")

if __name__ == "__main__":

Intercept Error Logging

If you want to intercept the logging, you can use LoggingHandler.

import logging
import os

from alarmer import Alarmer
from alarmer.log import LoggingHandler
from alarmer.provider.feishu import FeiShuProvider

def main():
    logger = logging.getLogger()
    logger.addHandler(LoggingHandler(level=logging.ERROR))  # only error and above should be send
    logging.error("test logging")

if __name__ == "__main__":

Now when you run the script, you will receive the errors in your provider.


You can set number of providers for error reporting. All kinds of providers can be found in providers.

Thanks to Apprise, you can use lots of providers out of box.

Custom Provider

You can write your own custom provider by inheriting the Provider class.

from typing import Optional
from alarmer.provider import Provider

class CustomProvider(Provider):

    def send(self, message: str, exc: Optional[BaseException] = None, context: Optional[dict] = None):
        # Send to your custom provider here

In addition to this, you can just write a callable function which takes message and exc arguments.

from typing import Optional

def custom_provider(message: str, exc: Optional[BaseException] = None, context: Optional[dict] = None):
    # Send to your custom provider here

Then add it to Alarmer.init.

from alarmer import Alarmer

Alarmer.init(providers=[CustomProvider(), custom_provider])


Throttling is used to throttling error messages if there are too many errors.

from alarmer import Alarmer
from alarmer.throttling import Throttling

Alarmer.init(global_throttling=Throttling(), providers=[...])

Custom Throttling

You can write your own throttling by inheriting the Throttling class.

import typing

from alarmer.throttling import Throttling

if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
    from alarmer.provider import Provider

class MyThrottling(Throttling):
    def __call__(self, provider: "typing.Union[Provider,typing.Callable]", message: str,
                 exc: typing.Optional[BaseException] = None, context: typing.Optional[dict] = None) -> bool:
        # check whether the error message should be send
        return True

Manual Send

If you want to manually send messages to the providers, just call Alarmer.send.

from alarmer import Alarmer



This project is licensed under the Apache-2.0 License.