When using the release version you have to delete all app data including cache after upgrading to 10.9. After that enter your server, username and password again and this problem...
Login failed with an error. If you like I can start up my 10.8 container tomorrow and provide you the log.
Not much to see ... a regular 401 ``` [MusicPlayerBackgroundTask/INFO] 2024-05-12 11:28:01.123894: Starting audio service null [Chopper/INFO] 2024-05-12 11:28:01.189175: --> GET BASEURL/Users/6ab1a49cdeb143259547645e7e6004de/Items?IncludeItemTypes=MusicAlbum&ParentId=7e64e319657a9516ec78490da03edccb&Recursive=true&SortBy=SortName&SortOrder=Ascending&Fields=ChildCount%2CDateCreated%2CDateLastMediaAdded%2CEtag%2CGenres%2CIndexNumber%2CParentId%2CProviderIds%2CTags%2CalbumPrimaryImageTag%2CparentPrimaryImageItemId%2CsongCount&StartIndex=0&Limit=100 Content-Type: application/json Authorization: MediaBrowser UserId="6ab1a49cdeb143259547645e7e6004de", Token="TOKEN", Client="Finamp", Device="SM-A525F",...
Jellyin Android asks for login. That could be the right behaviour for Finamp in that case as well. Important remark: I did not upgrade but did a reinstall with 10.9.
Absolutely right, but still I would expect the login page if authentication of the existing token fails.
I found another "hack" by adding the recording start time as the "release date" in Jellyfin. With this I can order the recordings by "release date" but it not shown...
Streaming works fine with "Jellyfin Media Player". The problem is that most browsers don't support mp2 decoding but jellyfin-web still provides it in the profile so the stream is not...
I finalized the changes to support 10.9 with PR https://github.com/jellyfin/jellyfin-plugin-tvheadend/pull/81. It was tested with branch unstable.