docker-apache-mysql-php-mongo copied to clipboard
php.ini file in command line
I used your docker-compose configuration (manual installation bly cloning the master repository) and I configured PHP to the 5.6 version (PHP_DOCKERFILE=Dockerfile-56
as you can see in my .env
file attached in #1 ).
In any case if I try to launch php
by CLI it uses the file stored in /etc/php/7.0
In order to verify, just run docker-compose exec workspace php -i | grep 'Configuration File'
The result on my environment is:
Configuration File (php.ini) Path => /etc/php/7.0/cli Loaded Configuration File => /etc/php/7.0/cli/php.ini
I already saw that /etc/php/5.6
doesn't contain a cli
folder, so maybe it is the expected behaviour, but this configuration can be misleading.
So I think that:
- this is a bug in the configuration
- OR should be a good idea to replicate the php.ini file also in the 5.6/cli folder, in order to avoid confusions.
Thank you
In any case if I try to launch php by CLI it uses the file stored in /etc/php/7.0
Which container are you using for your CLI commands? Workspace?
Yes, as I already wrote ;)
In order to verify, just run
docker-compose exec workspace php -i | grep 'Configuration File'
Ok thanks, I could have read better... I'm using some containers from Laradock and it seems that the issue is there. The workspace container uses php7 by default. I think I'm going to replace Laradock images with my own in the next release, solving this issue too. Thanks