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EdgeQuery querying enhancements
map(), filter() etc added to queries
e.g. https://github.com/lolopinto/ent/blob/fix-476-part2/examples/simple/src/ent/user.ts#L50-L53 from https://github.com/lolopinto/ent/pull/683 should be doable in the same query
// async function
const contactInfos = await this.queryContacts().queryEnts().asyncMap((contact)=> queryPlusEmails()));
// non async function
const contactInfos = await this.queryContacts().queryEnts().map((contact)=> doFoo()));
() right now just performs the query so may need this to be a breaking change or come up with a new method that just returns something chainable
A case I have that would be great to be covered:
- Horse
- HorseInfo (holds gender enum - foreignKey reference on horseID)
- HorseBreedingInfo (holds damID and sireID - foreignKey reference on horseID)
I want to have an EntQuery on the Horse ent that will get all progeny (all horses that have set their breeding info's damID to this horse if this horse is a mare, or sireID otherwise). So something like:
async queryProgeny() {
return this.queryHorseInfos().queryEnts()
.map((info) => info.gender === HorseGender.Mare ? this.queryDamOf() : this.querySireOf())
.asyncMap((breedingInfo) => breedingInfo.loadHorseX());
I want this somehow to return a queryEnt so I can do horse.queryProgeny().first(10).queryEnts()