TAKASE Ryo (loloicci)

Results 42 issues of TAKASE Ryo (loloicci)

This repository now uses versions formatted `x.x.x-y.y.y-zzz` where `x.x.x` is the original CosmWasm's release version, `y.y.y` is our release version and `zzz` is the additional info (e.g. dynamiclink1). This does...

In cw721 (https://github.com/CosmWasm/cw-nfts/blob/main/packages/cw721/README.md), users can approve that some contracts operate some tokens. But the admin of a specified contract can change the contract code (logic) by migrating the contract. In...

sub-issue of #110 - [ ] validate signer (can without decoding?) - [ ] how to pass to router

``` $ cargo check Checking wasmer v2.0.0 error[E0277]: the trait bound `u64: From` is not satisfied --> /xxx/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/wasmer-2.0.0/src/externals/memory.rs:134:28 | 134 | def.current_length.into() | ^^^^ the trait `From` is not implemented...

> But my system is Apple M1 Pro, so I need to change `docker run` part like below in the `generate_chagnelog.sh`. > Please check it works well in other system....

- [ ] IBC.md - [ ] MIGRATING.md - [ ] docs/MSRV.md

We need `From` traits from cosmwasm types into prost types. For example, `bank::Coin`

In JSON used in cosmwasm, `uint64` is formatted as the number, and `uint128` (in coin, for example) is formatted as the string. I think it is a little confusing. How...


Now, devtools/set-version.sh has a function to `git commit` and the message has a non-semantic name.
