item-tooltip-remover copied to clipboard
Does not work
I've also tried it. It does just show the tooltip box over the whole screen.
Is there a fix @lolgeny ?
1.20 broke it. Although there's no mention of shaders or tooltips in logs. @lolgeny please fix, currently this is the only way to create clean, interactable guis
FIX: it makes the tooltrip have wayy to many lines to render However i accudentaly made al the lines in to one to it didnt have this format Line 1 : Line 2 : : Line 200:
@Domthewiz what? If you got lore, that somehow works on 1.20, use code brackets "`". But no matter how much lines I add the resourcepack doesn't recognize my tooltip
commment the command you used to get the item
commment the command you used to get the item
/give @s minecraft:stone{display:{Lore:['""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','" "']}} 1
/give @p stone{display:{Lore:['{"text":"['""','""','""','"" ... ... ,'""']"}']}} 1 Incorrect format
/give @p stone{display:{Lore:['""','""','""','"" ... ... ,'""']}} 1 Correct format
@vippyer Thats weird, do you have optifine on and if so, do you have shaders
Did you type it in a commmand block?
Did you type it in a commmand block? yes
@vippyer Thats weird, do you have optifine on and if so, do you have shaders nothing
does it work for you? On the 1.20.x version?
It worked for me, on 1.20.x do you have windows or mac
It worked for me, on 1.20.x do you have windows or mac
On optifine turn on Internal Shaders, i think that might help
I don't use optifine and I want it to work without mods Just checked vanilla instance (without fabric) and it still doesn't work
What hardware do you have
/give @p clock{display:{Lore:['""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','""','" "']}} 1
I've found a Fix and cleaned the Code a little bit. I will create a Pull request.
They changed the Name of the Files, that's why it doesn't work anymore in 1.20.