scalaui copied to clipboard
Scala Native GUI framework based on libui
Scala Native GUI framework based on libui
Example text editor
Getting Started
Once you have setup your Scala Native project and enviroment, you have to compile libui and, on linux, copy the
files to /usr/lib (probably you need to change their permissions too).
Then you have to add the following to your build.sbt:
libraryDependencies += "it.lolgab" %%% "scalaui" % "0.0.1"
(there is no release yet, you have to publishLocal the library to let it work!)
Then you can import scalaui:
import scalaui._
We want to create a simple window with a button that prints "Hello World!" on the console when clicked.
First you have to define a method which will be executed everytime the button is clicked:
def greeting(): Unit = println("Hello World!")
Then you create a button in your Main
object, passing a name and the method name followed by a _
val button = new Button("My Button", greeting _)
Then you create a window passing the button as content:
val window = new Window("My Window", width = 200, height = 200, content = button)
Then you can actually trigger the creation of the window with all its components in your main method:
def main(args: Array[String]) = {
You now should see a nice window with a button, let's click it: