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New notification providers
If anyone is interested in having notifications from providers other than Pushbullet and Pushover, please add them to this issue.
New providers:
- [ ] Email (Mailgun)
Twiiter would be cool to have ,either as DM or tweets
Can you give an idea of how this would work? How would the app posting to your twitter timeline that someone has requested something help you? Should the users details be included? Direct Messages are an option but to whom are they directed?
It should make a tweet when someone requests something with his name and the show For the DM you input your api key or whatever its needed and you specify the user you want to send it (much like sickrage implemetation) with the same info as the tweet
But does it make this tweet from your own account or some other? Because then your followers would be reading these tweets?
And same for DM, from whom is the DM coming from? Can you DM yourself?
I'll see what SickRage does!
What i have on SickRage is : I made a dedicated account for the Tweets so that they dont come from my own acc and the DM also come from that one
OK that makes sense, thanks!
Prowl please!
Boxcar support pleaseee
New providers is a good idea with the recent news from Pushbullet. NotifyMyAndroid would be awesome. Even just simple email support would be useful.
I vote email, because then you can use ifttt to push it anywhere
I like idea of email too. If I use Mailgun or similar, you'd just need to create an account to get an API key and such and that gets you 10,000 emails a month for free.
email + iftt = awesomenesss i would like to enter my own email server details so i wont have to use any third party.
If you did email them you could do like a email subscription, so you don't have to create user accounts to receive notifications.
@unixjeff not sure I get what you mean? Who would be receiving these emails?
@jrdnlc makes sense, when I look into this I'll see if can provide both options.
Like a subscription.. or distribution list so it would send the alerts to all emails subscribed
Newsletter was the word I was looking for not subscription
Here is an example of what i'm talking about @lokenx
This is the configuration variable that gets set for sending via SMTP, so as long as that works you'd be good to go!
@lokenx So we are forced to use Mailgun?
No, not necessarily. I should be able to provide both options, just depends if the SMTP config will work with whatever you have.
I'll also look into maybe a different email sending package that has more details, but right now I'm figuring out the twitter API.
What about Telegram?
PlexPy supports Telegram:
+1 for telegram
Boxcar +1 as i use boxcar for other add-ons too. Works great!
+10 for telegram. I now use Telegram for all my notifications, since it is also a chat client that is usable.
add e2e encryption to pushbullet notifications, seems like the only push service with e2e
@a5m0 that wouldn't be possible for us to do, that would only work with official Pushbullet apps, unless I'm mistaking with the implementation.
@lokenx it's just a symmetric key that you put on each side. So you would type it in on your phone client and put it into your sending client. (I don't think it would work on channels though)
@a5m0 so only the phone would get it? What about web app? If you're interested in it, open a new ticket as it's not related to this particular one.
Actually now after looking harder I'm not that sure if e2e encryption is available on push-to-self, but all their clients support it. New ticket here #320
Going to work on adding IFTTT webhook support. While not a catch all solution, it opens up access to using just about any notification service if you're willing to do a little work.
Just created a new branch that incorporates basic IFTTT Maker support. Basically, this allows you to fire any IFTTT supported event whenever a request is made. Right now the data sent to IFTTT is statically set in the notifications section of plexrequests but the plan is to add in variable data to allow the user to customize the data being sent.
For information on the service and to create a free account, visit Once you have an account, you can visit to learn more about triggering events using the "Maker" channel.
+1 for prowl support, it's my go to notification app and should be super easy to add, the api is really simple
It would be handy to have Join supported ( It seems like one of the best options now since I'm sure you're aware, Pushbullet changed their business model and API calls are now limited. Sickrage already supports Join too. Please look into this API.
+1 for prowl
+1 for basic SMTP mail notifications
+1 for basic SMTP mail notifications as well!
+1 for Join
I have added support for Telegram, and created a pull request: #497.