auto-group-tabs icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
auto-group-tabs copied to clipboard

Google Chrome extension to automatically group tabs by URL

Results 17 auto-group-tabs issues
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First up, thanks for the great extension. I've been using it all day. From time to time, however, I'm seeing this kind of weird behavior where the tab groups seem...


First things first, this is an amazing addition to the tab groups and it works wonderfully. Great job :) If you open a link by middle-clicking it, the browser opens...


Hello, Does this extension works with "managed" storage ? I want to deploy extension configuration using `storage.managed` area (see [documentation on]( and [documentation on Chrome extensions manifest]( It says...

First of all, just wanted to say that this extension is great and was exactly what I was looking for, so thank you for building this. The problem I’ve run...

I'm trying to create an auto group pattern based and a path. My site looks like this - I've tried using this pattern - https://* This is the way...

As per Chrome Web Store reviews: Allow converting a bookmarks folder to an automatic group. Not sure yet whether this is too niche/worth the extra work.


Telling Edge to open a specific set of pages (their equivalent of [this setting in chrome]( where several tabs should be auto-grouped can result in duplicate tab groups being created....
