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A lightweight NuGet and symbol server

Results 137 BaGet issues
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Summary of the changes (in less than 80 chars) * Proxy support for [read-through caching]( functionality

Hi @loic-sharma, Thank you for awesome project (hope it is alive). Wanna contribute and make some new feature extensions, but first of all, the code base of BaGet should be...

I've uploaded a symbols package in old/legacy format: foo.symbols.nupkg. Such package contains DLL and PDB. Uploading/Pushing such package stores the package as nuget package but not the contained symbol (PDB).

It seems to be, that read-through caching is not working at all. My BaGet v0.3.0-preview5 is installed over IIS on Windows Server 2012 with netcore hosting bundle. appsettings.json contains following:...

### Describe the bug The current [`GetDownloadUriAsync`]( will set the expiry time to 10 mins. However, the token may expire when the read operation has not been finished, so a...

Currently the API key is provided in an env file. That means it is exposed as an environment variable, as well as in logs. Ideally it should be a [docker...

Hello all. How can i change url for baget in Docker? With `location /` { all work fine But with this not work ``` location /newurl/ { proxy_pass; proxy_http_version...

### Describe the bug We are running BaGet in our AWS cluster as a Docker container. We have been using the server for about a year with no issues, but...

Support authentication for private feeds. Also, consider package management using a login system. See HTTP basic auth: Client certificate auth: Symbol server PAT auth: /cc @emgarten

### Describe the bug A clear and concise description of what the bug is. ### To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior: 1. Using this version of BaGet '1.0' current...