logstash-input-http icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
logstash-input-http copied to clipboard

Support HTTP stream as used by journald-upload

Open ThorbenJ opened this issue 6 years ago • 2 comments

Opening this here, as a follow up to: https://github.com/elastic/logstash/issues/2594

Journald has a native way to send logs to a remote system, and it would be nice if Logstash could receive them.

Journald uses HTTP streaming. i.e. Open connection with some headers and the first message, the server then gives "100 Continue" and the next message is sent, ad-infinitum:


This sort of streaming does not yet seem easily possible with the HTTP input plugin.

ThorbenJ avatar May 03 '18 15:05 ThorbenJ

yea, we need this

johntdyer avatar Nov 28 '18 15:11 johntdyer

Has there been any change here in the last 2 years? Would be very nice to have systemd-journal-upload transfer directly to logstash.

JonnyHaystack avatar Oct 21 '20 16:10 JonnyHaystack