logstash-codec-protobuf copied to clipboard
deserialize byte array field
I have this proto def:
message DataSet { string field1 = 1; bytes field2 = 2; bytes field3 = 3; int32 filed4 = 4; }
message TopicData { string schemaversion = 1; DataSet dt1 = 2; DataSet dt2 = 3; DataSet dt3 = 4; DataSet dt4 = 5; }
field2 and field3 are byte array and contains encrypted data.
my logic is to use protobuf to get data from kafka, then use ruby filter to decrypt. but it seems that field2, field3 are passed to ruby script (in filter) as strings but I need [byte]:
ex: field2: "02h{jA�C��x\u0013t��<�/" field3: "4yP'j^<�\u0017�>4T킁F=ݯ��M�U�}"
How can I pass the event.get([d4][field3]) as [byte] to logstash filter?
What settings do you use in key_deserializer_class
and value_deserializer_class
in your kafka input config? Could you post it here?
key_deserializer_class => "org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.ByteArrayDeserializer"
value_deserializer_class => "org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.ByteArrayDeserializer"
Facing similar issue, where the bytes field of a proto message is not getting parsed properly. Any idea how to go about the fix? Below is my kafka input plugin config.
kafka {
bootstrap_servers => "${KAFKA_BROKERS_LIST}"
topics => ["raw-data"]
group_id => "ls-data"
client_id => "ls-data"
max_poll_records => "100"
max_poll_interval_ms => "600000"
request_timeout_ms => "605000"
fetch_max_bytes => "5000060"
max_partition_fetch_bytes => "5000060"
security_protocol => "${KAFKA_SECURITY_PROTOCOL}"
decorate_events => true
value_deserializer_class => "org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.ByteArrayDeserializer"
codec => protobuf {
class_name => "pipe.DataCollectorResponse"
class_file => '/usr/share/logstash/protos/compiled/pipe_data_pb.rb'
protobuf_version => 3