@SpecialCharacter thanks for the tip but I don't think this will help since I'm not on windows and I was hoping to get a solution that would work with any...
I tried a few different keyboard layouts, German, French and Icelandic, all of them have the AltGr key mapped to 65027. It seems the english layout is the only one...
> One day I will figure out, how Nuitka-develop can be uploaded to PyPI as well without conflicting with Nuitka, but I didn't spend the time yet, how to identify...
I had the same issue and the cause of the problem was network policies
Yes exactly @tcoppi, something like the PUB/SUB feature of Redis would be awesome!
@troyswanson you are probably right about the purpose of Disque but that doesn't mean it can't have other additional features as well. Like Redis was initally developed as an in-memory...
@pote Redis is not built to be a message queue, why should you have to rely on another system and run another server when you want to broadcast a message...
>Hm. This was the idea that I first wanted to suggest, and that I kept in mind when developing those group-version-plural filters. It seems, it does not work that way....
@alwx I figured out that this error was due to it not being linked correctly. However after fixing the linking error I can run the example fine but I get...
@superandrew213 I just looked at all the usual android files that need to be linked settings.gradle, build.gradle, MainApplication.java and MainActivity.java. It was missing in some of them so I added...